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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 10

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The Minnesota Daily reported the news:
Brahms regaled State Fair crowds with his rhythm and blues.
But while waxing poetic
about his "Academic"
he succumbed to his lullaby muse.

Jennifer Morgan, St. Paul, MN

Bach's Sad Risoluto

Bach's appetite was getting keener
For a foot-long to calm its demeanor
But with...classical...pause
He knew that he was
Too baroque... to afford the fine weiner

George Bigelow, Vadnais Heights, MN

Pianissimo Garden

The beer garden's blare quickly rose
The clatter left most indisposed
Yet - this cacophonous scene
Left him calm and serene
As Beethoven sat calm... and composed

George Bigelow, Vadnais Heights, MN

At the state fair, composer Faure'
Searched for a keyboard to play.
The Schmitt Booth was where
He performed with such flair,
Their pianos all sold in one day.

Ruth Bures, Winona, MN

Philip Glass, Philip Glass, Phil
Philip Glass, Philip Glass will
go to the fair
go to the fair
Philip Glass, Philip Glass, Phil

David Miller, Minneapolis, MN

In the poultry barn, Farmer Stravinsky
Stuffed his Firebird into a pen, see.
With a terrible glare,
The bird singed all the hair
From Igor's old chinny-chin-chinsky.

Lynn Cross, Minneapolis, MN

A hard working composer named Bartok,
For leisure would often take long walks.
While strolling the Fair
He saw MPR there
And said "Now I can listen to 'Car Talk'!"

Greg Suskovic, North Mankato, MN

I went to the STATE FAIR this summer
I saw Motzart drive by in a Hummer
I said that can't be
I am as mad as he
And I left feeling like quite the bummer

Rebecca Spartz, Minneapolis, MN

While walking the Fair one fine day,
I met my dear friend Durufle.
When I said, "Hey, Maurice!
"Come, let's check out some fleece."
He said he would check out Princess Kay.

JP Fitzgibbons, Minneapolis, MN

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Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
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Set 24 | Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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