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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 26

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Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

When invited to perform at the fair
Rachmaninoff said "Do I dare?
My loud pounding solos
And orchestral crescendos
May give all the livestock a scare!"

Mark Zwolinski, Avon, MN

At the Fair a chap named Puccini
Wolfed a platter of Norske linguini.
But the pasta itself
Had lain too long on the shelf---
For Puccini linguini meant "Finis."

Gerald Gammell, Minneapolis, MN

There was a composer named Gluck
who was not in Baghdad--worse luck!
Cuz' he went to the Fair,
Got bombed anyway there;
'N in the pig barn he stepped in some muck!

Easton Gammell, Minneapolis, MN

Gary Eichten: "On Midday today,
We will talk with the new princess Kay,
Who, (after dancing the polka
With Oscar Homolka),
Will drive back to Cloquet with Bizet."

John Kudlaty, St. Paul, MN

At the bandshells our man Phillip Glass
Of his own stuff heard nil, even jazs;
He mused, not confused,
or feeling abused,
"My music is NOT middle-class!"

LaDonna Gammell, Minneapolis, MN

The Woes of Mozart

Though many a rule he did break
And the kings all thought him to be fake
After his death was all done
The classical time had begun
And his money did someone else make.

Helen Carlson, Sioux Falls, SD

Ravel liked to revel unceasingly,
So he came to the fair humming eagerly,
With fried snickers and cheese,
Cold Bud and Lein-nies,
Each year he got greased quite increasingly.

Susan Forve, Minnetonka, MN

A troika Sergei hoped to see,
But instead a farm tractor spied he.
Though he'd told his pal Kije
They'd meet at the Midway,
Prokofiev Nevsky went as agreed.

Steve Mohn, St. Paul, MN

Struass's nickname was Rick.
He loved to eat food on stick.
We went to the fair,
Ate lots of it there,
And came home feeling rather sick.

Erik Peterson, North Mankato, MN

Four-hundred-year-old Monteverdi,
On a senior-discount-at-the-fair-day,
Got upset when his wig
Was dislodged by a twig.
He was having a really bad hair day.

Steve Mohn, St. Paul, MN

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Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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