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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 3

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Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

The state fair was not good to Mozart,
who on his way there had a pop tart,
so when he did eat,
our fair's bubbly treats,
all he could do was pass gas.

Nick Raleigh, St. Paul, MN

There was a composer named Foster,
Who exclaimed, "My Jeannie--I've lost her
At the Minn. State Fair--
A girl with light brown hair--
Perhaps the Tilt-a-Whirl tossed her!"

Marilyn Kaeli, Hibbing, MN

There was a composer named Brecht,
Who to the State Fair made a trek.
"In November," claimed he,
"One Penny will be
Chosen our governor elect."

Marilyn Kaeli, Hibbing, MN

That choral composer John Rutter
set the rides, the exhibits, the clutter
as a State Fair Motet,
sang "uff da" and "you bet"
but declined to be sculptured in butter.

Mary Pryor, Moorhead, MN

There was a composer named Liszt,
The Iowa State Fair he had missed,
At the Minnesota State Fair
He etude an éclair
And left with a piano tattooed on his wrist.

Gary Dittmar, Mankato, MN

There was a composer named Liszt,
Who said, "Play faster, I insist!
Largo is too slow,
It must be prestissimo!"
As he pounded the keys with his fist.

Gary Dittmar, Mankato, MN

There was a young composer named Liszt,
He walked around the fair with his head in a mist,
He strummed a guitar
Smoked a cigar
And looked for a girl he hadn't kissed.

Gary Dittmar, Mankato, MN

(must be read with a Minnesota accent)
In summer people gather in Minnesota
The State Fair is the place that they go ta
With food on a stick
To bite and to lick
So go and don't say no one told ya

Byron Wolt, Burnsville, MN

A fugue-ist of good German stock
Rejected all musical schlock.
But once at the fair
He let down his hair
And chortled, "I take it all Bach!"

Mike Sherer, Minneapolis, MN

(must be read with a Minnesota accent)
When Schubert he dared at old Hubert's state fair
To tread among urchins in puberty
He graced each exhibit
With an Impromptu visit
And rode Ferris wheel most exhub'rantly.

Paul Bischke, St. Paul, MN

Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | Set 8
Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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