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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 11

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Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

On the bunge we saw Amadeus
Strapped in as he put up a big fuss
He shot down like a dart
Hit the end with a fart
and flew up like Hyacinthus's discus

Doug Thompson, Clearbrook, MN

There once was man named Ludvig
Who came to the fair in a big rig
He walked all around
But heard not a sound
Not even the squeal of the big pig

Emily Thompson, Clearbrook, MN

The pirate ship rocked Johann Brahms
Gripped tighly by his sweaty palms
But he gave it a go
As he went to and fro
And fell asleep despite fear of heights qualms

Emily Thompson, Clearbrook, MN

Bach sneaked into the fair like a sleuth
And stole from the Oink and Moo Booth
He swore he'd go straight
Yet was banned from the state
So he said toodle loo to Duluth

Emily Thompson, Clearbrook, MN

Musicians at th'Fair by the bucket!
From Larson, L., to (dare I say?) Gary Puckett.
Butcha know what the curse is,
For this writer of verses?
Not one of them hails from Nantucket!

Jocko MacNelly, Minneapolis, MN

Edvard yelled at Ole and Sven
"I got lost at da Fair, var you been?
I vas lonesome for Scandia
So I wrote my 'Finlandia'.
It plays at the Grandstand at 10."

Betty Knutson, River Falls, WI

Through the turnstile went Mr. Revel
With a big hammer he rang the bell
He danced the Bolero
And said I dont care O
I'll visit the barn in spite of the smell

Tom Bednar, New Brighton, MN

Debussy rode the Ejection Seat
After downing fries and alligator meat
He hummed Clair De Lune
For this was the tune
T'would bar his intestinal defeat.

Jayme Washburn, Minneapolis, MN

There once was a fat guy named Bach,
Whose doctor recommended a walk.
He came across the State Fair,
Said, "I wonder what's in there,"
And soon died of a pulmonary block.

Derek Jacobson, New Brighton, MN

Pachebel went to the fair,
so excited he barely spoke,
Tired and full at the
end of the day,
He realized he was Baroque!

Kathy Truax, Rochester, MN

Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | Set 8
Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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