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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 1

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A grandstand performance by Bach
Was the opening act for Kid Rock.
The crowd didn't buy it.
They started a riot
That lasted 'til past ten o'clock

Ken Mogren, Winona, MN

When Bach posed, he said, "Gee, this is fun"
His sculpted bust weighed half a ton.
He was last heard to mutter
"A bust made of butter
Should never be left in the sun."

Ken Mogren, Winona, MN

Mozart said,"This State Fair's Quite a gig.
The crowd at the grandstand was big.
But the sponsor's so cheap
My assigned place to sleep
Was a livestock barn next to a pig !"

Ken Mogren, Winona, MN

Anton sailed, the New World to see.
Minnesota filled him with glee.
When he went to THE FAIR,
He said "This I must share!!"
And he left us his 5th Symphony.

Betty Knutson, River Falls, WI

Saint Saens was great with a ditty
wrote music both subtle and gritty
But do you suppose
he had planned to compose
the theme for "Babe: Pig in the City?"

Marcy Huggins, Plymouth, MN

Saint Saens was great with a ditty
wrote the theme for "Babe: Pig in the City"
but when he took him to the Fair
he was made to despair
His pig lost-oh, such a great pity!

Marcy Huggins, Plymouth, MN

A hungry old composer, we'll call Bach
Hid a "porkchop on a stick" in his sock
While in "Ye Olde Mill"
He took it out for a thrill
That he came out composed is a crock

L.C. McMahon, West St Paul, MN

When Mozart went down to the Fair,
All the people were given to stare-
He, instead of a wig,
Had on ears of pig,
Said, "Na, und?" and proceeded to glare.

Jen Bruber, Minneapolis, MN

An unruly child form Hoboken
by the exhibitors she was bespoken:
"When you look at our stuff, you must not be rough,
Und nitcht mit die Fingers gepoken!"

Terry Davis, Woodbury, MN

Vivaldi came down from the farm,
Walked with Anna Giraud on his arm.
"This Fair is so pleasin'
it could be a Fifth Season!"
So he wrote it, and ne'er baroque the charm.

David Plumb, Minneapolis, MN

Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | Set 8
Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
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