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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 30

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Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

Though heroes and myths are the thing
That make Wagner's operas sing,
It was just having seen
The mini doughnut machine
That inspired his cycle of the ring.

J. Miller, St. Paul, MN

It's FAIR to say Sousa's endeavor
To munch while conducting was clever:
He took his baton
And stuck frankfurters on.
No more Mr. "Starves-and-Gripes-Forever"!

Dwight Scott, St. Paul, MN

Folkies know State Fair talents abound
Ostroushko's songs have a great sound
For pickin' potatoes
Pete's people are greatest
Because they're built low to the ground.

Martha Hewitt, New Brighton, MN

At the Fair, Schubert started to fret -
A commission but no ideas yet.
"Just CLUB me!" he wailed,
Then saw fried TROUT impaled,
And went straight home to write a quintet.

Dwight Scott, St. Paul, MN

Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | Set 8
Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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