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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 4

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Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 24 | Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

Oh, the horror of food that's impaled
'll leave no Minnesotan quite quailed,
be it sugared or greased,
or whatever the beast,
it'll be swallowed, or well-nigh inhaled!

S. Klipper, Minneapolis, MN

Round the august end of each summer,
when yummy gets even more yummer,
I gets in a fair state,
'n yes I shall dare state,
yea, a year without curd or Pup's a bummer!

S. Klipper, Minneapolis, MN

Again, its that good ol' State Fair,
there whether weather foul or fair;
I get foot sore 'n weary,
beery, bleary, 'n cheery;
but without it our life'd just be unfair!

S. Klipper, Minneapolis, MN

At the State Fair with Jacques Ibert,
We oft climbed the slide's giant stair.
Sliding down--so fast!
The whole day we passed;
Good times like that are all too rare.

Donna Cullen, St. Paul, MN

One day Maestro Palestrina
Who was tired of the same old cantina
Went to the State Fair
Had a corn dog there
And cried, "I LOVE what they've done with this weenah!"

Carol Singer, Minneapolis, MN

Tchaikovsky and me--what a nice dream.
At the Fair we will eat some ice cream,
And walk hand in hand
To the grandstand,
Where the music will make our eyes gleam.

Donna Cullen, St. Paul, MN

For this year's state fair a new limerick
With difficulties to overcome double quick
First how to deep fry
Then convince folks to buy
High culture, poetry on a stick

Kimberly Phillips, St. Paul, MN

"Wachet Auf!" cried Frau Bach to J.S.
"Hurry up! You're a schlupp, wie will miss
Such delights at die fair
As ice cream und eclair!
Ja! Ja! 'Komm susser Tod' - Ach! vat bliss."

Steve Rohde, Milwaukee, WI

Copland visited the fair with his Mother
Saw the princess being sculted with a shudder
He abandoned his plan
For the Common Man
And wrote a Fanfare for the Uncommon Butter

Bruce Christensen, Duluth, MN

First Bach must get something to eat-
Cotton candy is a very good sweet.
Then to the Ferris Wheel-
Oops, there goes his meal!
He'd better go get another treat.


Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | Set 8
Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 24 | Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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