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Warm up your holidays with
Minnesota Public Radio
2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest
Youth Submissions Set 9

2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest Home

(Verse One)
Snowflakes falling down,
what could be more fun,
than skiing down the slopes,
and crystals on my tongue?
The chilly windy breeze,
sweeps up the fluffy snow,
who could ever hate this day
when cozy head to toe!

Snowing skies, winter glides,
dashing through the snow!
Skating on the mirrored ice
and soothing hot cocoa!

(Verse Two)
Slashing through the banks,
with ice flakes on my hair,
snowflakes on my lashes,
it's winter break with flare!
Roofs and trees are white,
cheeks are red and bright,
icicles are everywhere,
and streets are filled with lights!


Christina, 12, Woodbury, MN

Trees and presents too,
Lots of things are new,
Having lots of fun,
Food for everyone,

Santa's on is way,
In his big red sleigh,
Giving lots of toys,
To lots of girls and boys,

Ice and snow,
Ice and snow,
All around the town,
Shoveling all the snow and ice,
everywhere around

Sonia, 9, Woodbury, MN

Christmas eve,
Christmas eve,
Christmas eve is here!
My mommy's wrapping presents
I hope she got me one!
Christmas Day,
Christmas Day,
Christmas day is here!
Hailey's barking with a lot of Joy!

Madeline, 9, Woodbury, MN

2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest Home
Read submissions
Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6
Set 7 | Set 8 | Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14

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