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Warm up your holidays with
Minnesota Public Radio
2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest
Youth Submissions Set 14

2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest Home

Verse: "Looking to and fro
At the brilliant star-filled sky
If you look harder still
The star is what you'll find
It shall lead you to the child
Who'll change all history
The little baby Jesus Christ who still is fast asleep!"

Refrain: "Oh
Follow me, follow me
To his manger nest
But hush! Don't wake him from his sleep
For even God must rest,
Follow me, follow me
To his manger nest
But hush! Don't wake him from his sleep
For even God must rest!"

Beatrice, 10, Minneapolis, MN

Looking at the sky,
Waiting for him to come,
I hope I get a lot of gifts or maybe just some.

The elves like to play,
and Rudolph likes to run,
Santa is delivering gifts and now he's almost done.

Oh, Santa Claus, Santa Claus
is here making toys f
or all of the little girls and all the little boys.

Goodridge Elementary Grade 6, 12, Goodridge, MN

Oh one day, oh one day, I woke up to the snow
I went outside and played a lot, and had some hot cocoa, Hey!
Oh one day, oh one day, I woke up to the snow
I went outside and played a lot, and had some hot cocoa.

I went inside and saw, the guy dancin' to the funk
Parading around with a clown, wearing an elephant's trunk
I watched him closely now, he had a uni-brow
He went to the kitchen to carve the chicken
riding an over sized cow, hey

I got the courage to ask, are you really fake
He told me to do a task, go get me some cake
So I went into the fridge, to find the good desert,
brought it over to the bridge, and said hey, you look like Bert, Hey!


Tommy and Sam, 11, Edina, MN

2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest Home
Read submissions
Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6
Set 7 | Set 8 | Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14

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