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Warm up your holidays with
Minnesota Public Radio
2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest
Adults' Submissions Set 12

2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest Home

To the tune of: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Darn! That weather man was wrong.
Here's a blizzard coming on.

Driving down a country road,
Spitting up a tail of snow.
Busting through the snow that's drifted,
Makes me think of flour sifted.
Windshield wipers leave a little
Streak of ice right in the middle.

Weather man is such a liar.
Wish I had some better tires.

Now the road has disappeared.
Have to drive in second gear,
Saying prayers and "Pretty please,
Help me stay between the trees".
Old wool sweater makes me itch.
Lost my focus - found the ditch.

Yes, I know just who to blame-
weatherman has gone insane.

There I sit in my car , steaming,
Then I see some headlights beaming.
It's a truck that I do see,
Just my luck - an S.U.V!
I run to try and flag it down,
But I slip and hit the ground.

Lying face down in the snow,
That weather man has got to go!

Now the truck is getting near,
I see the driver very clear.
I'd know that face from anywhere-
It's the weather man in there!
I wave my hands, the cold wind blowing,
He waves back and then keeps going.

I just stare in shock a while,
But before he's gone, I see him smile.

Clint Vastag, Sartell, MN

To the tune of: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
We really should save the Guthrie
We really should save the Guthrie
We really should save the Guthrie for generations to come

Refrain: Oh the Walker wants to tear the theater down:
Sir Tyrone is turning somewhere underground

A new Guthrie on the river
A new Guthrie on the river
A new Guthrie on the river, let the old one still stand

(Repeat Refrain)

We won't stop until we save it
We won't stop until we save it
We won't stop until we save it, internationally renowned

(Repeat Refrain)
(Repeat 1st verse)

Paul Metsa, Minneapolis, MN

To the tune of: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
We're making a little lefse
Just like in Scandinavia
we all love a little lefse:-
We could eat it all day!

We'll eat it and then
We'll eat it again
We'll share it with Ole, and Lena and Sven.

My dad says "it tastes like leather"
My mom says "Eat it together
with butter and sugar;
it goes a long way."

It's lefse with turkey
and lefse with Jam
with cranberries, herring,
and salmon and ham.

I'll ask "do you want some lefse?"
You'll answer "ya, you betcha!"
You don't have to save your lefse
For just Christmas Day.

You've asked us for figgy pudding
We all think your fig is losing
We all love a little lefse it goes
a long long long way!

Lael and Lorelei Giddings, Minneapolis, MN

To the tune of: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Hark the eve of an election year,
November '04 will soon be here.

Calm and reason, sure to cede,
Upon the voters the pollsters will feed.

On the right we have the Bushies,
On the left a host of wanna-bes.

Will Ralph Nader run once more?
don't ask the folks who voted for Gore.

Hark, the New Year's sure to bring,
many who think they deserve the West Wing.

Hark, a year of endless spin
all for votes, so they can win.

Flooding the air with political ads,
few are meaningful, most are bad.

We, the public, hope for honesty
Democracy, the way it ought to be

'Tis the eve of an election year,
It returns much too soon,
again , I fear.

Telford Williams, Lino Lakes, MN

To the tune of: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Pain, The Christmas Season Brings

Pain, the Christmas season brings
Mommy's got another ring
This time it's around the tub
It's still there, despite the scrub.
Daddy's working late again
Could be Susan, could be Jen
The kids are driving me insane
Christ, here comes the snow again!

Pain, the Christmas season brings
Haven't bought a single thing
Christmas lights are everywhere
They're too bright, and I don't care.
I can't wait til Christmas ends
Too much family, too much friends
Time for Santa at the mall
Christ, I'm sick of one and all!

Megan Berriman, Mahtomedi, MN

To the tune of: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Hark! The eagles to Gondor bring
Glorious news about the Ring.
It's been thrown into Mount Doom
Gone is every kind of gloom.
Gone are orcs and their dark lord,
Gone are dragons and their horde.
Gone is every evil thing
for Frodo has destroyed the Ring.
Hark! The eagles to Gondor bring
Glorious news about the Ring.

Inspired by "The Lord of the Rings"

Regina Szyszkiewicz, Altura, MN

To the tune of: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Hark, hear what Arnold says
"Wish that I could run for Pres"

California it's too late
Did he even have a debate

Pumping iron is no way to go
We had Jessie, we should know

Hark, it's hummers & movie stars
Kindergarten Cop & big cigars

Three years of the terminator
Hasta La Vista, See you later

Cynthia Williams, Lino Lakes, MN

To the tune of: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Dark the Clairol dyes our hair
Who'd have thought we'd end up there.
Baby boomers with gray locks
Seeing this is causing shocks
It wasn't very long ago
That my hair all turned to snow.
With regret I do proclaim
We're getting old, becoming tame.


Thought we'd stay forever young
Heard it often being sung.
I made a creak while in bed
Then I knew I wasn't dead.
When painfully there was a crack
Goodness, that must be my back.
I don't how this occurred
My memory is getting blurred.


Baby boomers aging fast
Woodstock years a distant past.
Dislike this maturity
Hope there's Soc'l S'curity.
Pension plans are going bust
Is there someone we can trust?
Gonna have to save and scrimp
Getting old, it ain't for wimps.


James Leinen, St. Paul, MN

To the tune of: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
There's snow in the window,
snow in the windows,
snow in the windows...
It's a great ole special time.
Christmas time is near,
presents tied with bows,
making snow mans bundled up with a big old carrot nose

oh Happy time happy time its a holiday,
OH what fun it is to spend with your friends
and family, On This Very Special Day, Oh, HEY!

Natalie Austin, Apple Valley, MN

To the tune of: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Mark Down Harry Potter's Things
(a paean to the Retro-Toy Retailer)

Mark Down Harry Potter's Things
Discount all Lord of the Rings

Please re-birth the 80's child
Have their toys re-mercantiled
Toys we used to advertise
That did youth epitomize
With the legal post, disclaim
Not intended for children under 3.
May cause vomiting, irritate skin or maim.


Stock the Pretty Ponies well
Don't forget the ones that smell
Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Bright
Care Bears and She-Ra nite-lite
Jammies stamped with Little Mermaid
Guaranteed to ne-ever fade
Sewn of finest flannel
Seen on a cable channel


G.I. Joe is resurrected
And politically corrected.
Batman and the Power Rangers
Strike a blow for homeless strangers.
Transformers are big and hollow
Now more difficult to swallow.
Dinobots are educational
Also non-discriminational.

Mom and Dad no longer curse
Masters of the Universe.
Skeletor loves Jogging Barbie
Though her shape irregular be.
Gremlins play with Papa Smurf.
Flower Fairies guard their turf.
Lady Lovelylocks has squirrels
Building nests among her curls.


Roger Dumas, Wayzata, MN

2003 Happy Merry Lyric Contest Home
Read submissions
Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6
Set 7 | Set 8 | Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12

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