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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 7

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Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 24 | Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

In the midway- a carnie named Sousa,
Whose ring toss was really a dooz-a,
He'd nickel and dime,
In strict 2/4 time,
And each patron would leave a sore los-a.

Ryan Griese, Bloomington, MN

The State Fair Show featured a band,
The tunes they played were not bland,
Written by Philip Glass,
They sounded so crass,
That the audience left the Grandstand.

Ryan Griese, Bloomington, MN

Maurice loved the pronto pups well
He always fell under their spell
When he asked how they're made
The cook look dismayed
And said that secret I can't Ravel

Sylvia Mohn, St. Paul, MN

Vivaldi, a man of good reason,
Preferred to eat food that was pleasin'
Bit a chop on a stick
His reaction was "Ick!
This really could use some more seasons"

Sylvia Mohn, St. Paul, MN

Bus on to the fair with some cash
but don't do anything rash
It would be a great trick
to hear Grieg on a stick
driving home in an Ogden Nash

Jack Blomgren, Red Wing, MN

At the grandstand, young Mozart, boy wonder,
Performed 'til applause came like thunder.
But the money he earned
At the midway was burned.
Yes, his penchant for play took him under.

Ruth Bures, Winona, MN

Rossini, composer prolific,
Loved food with a passion terrific.
The great state fair spread
Might create in his head
An opera, cheese curd specific.

Ruth Bures, Winona, MN

Saint-Saens naturally loves the Fair
And one day took his lady-friend there
But to her dismay
Watched the animals all day
Eating nothing all day at the Fair (how rare)

Lisa Luciano, Lester Prairie, MN

It was crowded that day at the Fair.
The bathroom lines stretched everywhere.
Before he made it inside, Handel
(Thought it caused a great scandal)
Made Water Music without a care.

Lori Sunderman, Champlin, MN

Andrew Loydd Weber is great
He went to the Fair on a date
He heard a bad band
Had to ralph in his hand
And said "Baby, yeow, look what I ate."

Rebecca Spartz, Minneapolis, MN

Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | Set 8
Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 24 | Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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