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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 28

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Herr Brahms went to the fair,
Hoping to find Clara there.
Though he looked all around,
She was not to be found.
So he traveled back home in despair.

Judith Adams, New Brighton, MN

Mendelssohn had a strong urge;
to meet and to talk with John Birge.
I'm told 'tis the truth.
At the MPR Booth,
Fine voice and great music did merge!

Judy Florence, Eau Claire, WI

The British Composer, John Rutter,
Went straight to the sculptures of butter;
With well-sharpened knife,
He carved out his wife,
Prince Charles, the Queen, and his Mudder!

Judy Florence, Eau Claire, WI

A State Fair Composers Grand Forum;
The speakers: John Cage and Ned Rorem
"composers", they said,
"They're old or they're dead."
So it died for a lack of a quorum!

Judy Florence, Eau Claire, WI

One hot summer morn at the Fair,
Bob Dylan did shyly appear.
He asked for some curds,
But got taffy instead,
And it promptly got stuck in his beard.

Susan Curti, LaCrosse, WI

Picture this scene if you dare,
"The Boss" plays a gig at the Fair.
The crowd soon would swoon,
As his songs Bruce would croon,
Who knows? Jesse might even grow hair!

Susan Curti, LaCrosse, WI

Sir Paul McCartney did come,
To the State Fair with stylish aplomb,
He tried the quisine,
Found it fit for a queen,
And said, "Next time I'll bring the Queen Mum!"

Susan Curti, LaCrosse, WI

At the Midway William Grant Still
Was paid by a barker to shill.
The crowd found they'd been had
and jeered Still so bad,
That he fled to Machinery Hill!

Gerald Gammell, Minneapolis, MN

Vivaldi came to The Fair for two reasons,
To eat and enjoy our best "Seasons."
From Summer to Fall, he savored it all
And proclaimed the cuisise palate pleasein'.

Marie Frederickson, Northfield, MN

At the Fair Magister Leonin
And his colleague, the young Perotin
Took first prize for stained glass
Among all Arts and Crafts.
Notre dame needs new windowsw again.

Kate Stuart, Nerstrand, MN

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Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

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