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MPR 2002 Limerick Contest Submissions Set 15

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Set 25 | Set 26 | Set 27 | Set 28 | Set 29 | Set 30

So Beethoven went to the Fair,
After Bach asked him what to see there,
From the barn full of chickens,
he ran like the dickens,
Their squawking he just couldn't bear.

Laurie With, Little Falls, MN

Into the Fair came young Mozart,
Hoping to find some great home art,
The paintings on velvet,
Left him feeling all wet,
So he settled instead on a go kart.

Laurie With, Little Falls, MN

Tchaikovsky before he penned Swan Lake,
Decided of our Fair to partake.
He at things on a stick,
'Til he thought he'd be sick,
And took himself home with a gut ache.

Laurie With, Little Falls, MN

When Ravel up and went to the fair, oh
He was thrilled to his bones and his marrow.
When he got to the gate,
He made everyone wait
While he whistled a tune called Bolero.

Jan Belshan, St. Paul, MN

Young Mozart loved sausage Vienna
Fair-Dos and tattoos of Henna
When he wanted to float
Ye Olde Mill had the boat
Tom Thumb had the doughnuts Sienna

Jean Schauer, Apple Valley, MN

Chopin's only daughter, named Claire
Longed to be Princess Kay at the fair.
"Dear daughter," he said
"You're a great butter-head"
As he topped off his toast with her hair.

Holly Smart, St. Paul, MN

Ed Elgar and his wife had wanted to dance.
So to the State Fair to get their big chance.
And finding lots of pomp,
They were ready to romp!
"Hey, could there be a better circumstance?"

Mike Wenzel, Forest Lake, MN

The Minnesota March has a grand flair.
John Sousa wrote it while at our State Fair.
Our hearts swell with pride,
Like the ocean's grand tide.
'Twas a gift to Minnesotans we all now share

Mike Wenzel, Forest Lake, MN

To the State Fair young Lugwig did drive,
Needing inspiration to thrive.
Saw the beasts and the birds,
Ate a few more cheese curds,
And promptly wrote Symphony Five.

Scott Lothrop, Zephyrhills, FL

A composer named John, from Duluth,
Always searching for beauty and truth,
Heard Schubert and Mozart,
Ravel and the Beaux Artes,
At the KSJN State Fair booth.

Scott Lothrop, Zephyrhills, FL

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Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | Set 12 | Set 13 | Set 14 | Set 15 | Set 16
Set 17 | Set 18 | Set 19 | Set 20 | Set 21 | Set 22 | Set 23 | Set 24
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