Report Sections


Dr. Marty's Speech

Socratic Dialogue

Morning Session

Afternoon Session
mprBusiness Group
mprEducation Group
mprPros and Cons

The Should Statements

Symposium Participants

Symposium and Report Credits

About the Public Religion Project

Religion in
Everyday Life

Civic Journalism Initiative

Pros and Cons

Symposium participants were asked, in the morning discussions, to consider the consequences - positive, negative, or both - of changing religion's role in public life. This question elicited dozens of responses, many of them similar.

In some cases, the imagined pros and cons were perfect mirror images of one another. Religion can, one person said, "inform one's vision of justice;" it also might, another responded, "destroy one's vision of justice." One thought it would "promote tolerance;" another suspected it would promote intolerance.

Religion is clearly a double-edged sword.

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