1999 Good Tidings Competition
Submissions Set 9

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Tothe Year 2000
The Decade 200
The Century 20
The Millenium 2.
May we mark our time
With passion,
Not numbers,
As we plod humbly ahead.

Mark Johanson, Minneapolis, MN

Another turn of a century won't come for a while,
may you live long in this one, with good deeds and a smile.

Rick Bosak, Gem Lake, MN

[Incant this tiding around a Wish Candle with family and friends, holding your wishes and dreams in your mind, blowing out the flame on the last line.]

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride
But wishes aren't horses; they're dreams on a tide
Riding tides of our breath, breathing in, breathing out
Breathing out they must go, in life they now show...

Pete Bissonette, Bloomington, MN

B is for the beauty of remembrances past;
L is for the love that binds our families to last;
E is for the evergreen, whose faithfulness keeps fast;
S is for the selflessness whose opportunities are vast; and
S is for the symphony our hearts sing united, en masse.

Sabrina M. Lau, Saint Paul, MN

Let the whole world make a toast
One last time, one loud voice
To friendship, to love, to joy
To the smallest girl, to the youngest boy
That's what matters
What's past is done
Enough of the chatter
Here is to the next rising sun

David McDonald, International Falls, MN

May patience and tolerance abound this year
Especially with my children.
May laughter and love pervade
All who are near
May we leave pains and disappointments
And appreciate those who are dear

Greg Burdick, Shakopee, MN

A toast to forgiveness - the fountain of love.

A toast to love - the fire of peace.

A toast to peace - the life-giving presence of Jesus.

A toast to Christmas - a blessed one for all.

Kevin Kuhlman, Brooklyn Park, MN

A Toast From a Three Year Old

I wish...
*for everyone to receive new crayons...frequently.
*everyone could be hugged by their mom and tickled by their dad 10x a day.
*everyone could demand to be driven down every street to see every light and Santa display.
*everyone could be read to at bedtime.
*everyone could be happy.

Britt Gulstrand, St. Paul, MN

Ode to Peace

Please raise your glasses and join in a toast.
While thinking of loved ones coast to coast.

May the coming new year be filled with much joy.
For all in the world, especially each girl and boy.

Shirley Gassman, New Prague, MN

May the service that holiday store clerks show ya'
be warmer than winter in cold Minnesota.

Melissa Paulson, St. Paul, Mn

To one and all
This joyful season
Join us as we celebrate!

Hear this call
And do not reason...
Next Year you can cerebrate!

Ray Tanis, Blaine, MN

As you look through your windshield
at the traffic coming your way this holiday season,
May you make pleasant memories
to treasure in the coming New Year,
And may you seize each new opportunity of innovation
while continuing to enjoy the unalterable view
in the rear view mirror.

Sharilyn Lang, Danbury, WI

To the nineteen hundreds farewell
Of its ups and downs we now tell
Though some things were great
And some others we hate,
Time keeps going and it's just as well

There was progress in outer space
To the moon several countries did race
Goodbye, noble steed-
We now drive at high speed.
Can our fossil fuels keep up the pace?

We survived the frigid cold war,
The depression and riots galore,
Of spies and CIA lore.

US politics became very messy
With Clinton, Perot and with Jesse,
The media hounded,
And scandals abounded
Like watergate, Iran and Lewinsky.

We have fax machines, Email and cell phones,
Septuplets, octuplets and sheep clones.
Yet we can't land on mars
Or one of the stars
A sad fact that NASA sure bemoans.

Good tidings for the end of the year
For the new millennium is here
Christmastime will pass
Days fly by so fast
200 we'll greet with good cheer.

(We got carried away writing before we realized there was a 50 word limit...we know we are disqualified...but isn't it a lovely vew verses from the 5 Limerick Laureates of Stillwater Medical Group?)

J. Benner and D. Glowe, Stillwater, MN

Cheers to blizzards, snow and ice
Plummeting temperatures and Minnesota nice.
Where forests drift scented from chimneys at night
Their spirits melted into cold air delights.
'Tis the kiss of winter within her bite
That reveals the moment as ever so right

Joe Heck, St Louis Park, MN

Missed the last one--let's make this one fun,

PK Borzo, St. Paul, MN

As the new millennium dawns, may all your gadgets work
And when you boot your PC may it run without a quirk.
May your furnace still be on to keep the cold at bay,
And may your life be filled with peace and joy this New Year's day!

Susan McMillan, Rochester, MN

For all the laughter, love and tears,
Let's salute the past one thousand years -
And in our hearts may we then find room,
To face a future now full in bloom.

Seth Cotner, Hopkins, MN

The crunch of snow beneath my feet
Sparkling like diamonds in my eyes
The smell of winter in the air
All is well, All is well.
Oh Minnesota so dear to my heart.

Yvonne Bastien, Cloquet, MN

A Toast, My Dear, to You

In the midst of my crusty existence,
In half-baked moments of despair,
I knew not what I kneaded...
I loafed without care.

But then, as yeast to the mix and warmth to the dough,
You came.
And my soul has risen anew!

Alan Bray, Upsala, MN

In pursuit of hopefulness this holiday season,
tuck away a couple greeting cards
with the message PEACE ON EARTH on them.
SOMEDAY, when the dream of Peace on Earth
at last comes true (as dreams do)
they will be collector's items.
MAYBE even for our great grandchildren?!

Jeanne Larson, Cable, WI

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