1998 "Good Tidings" Contest
Set 11
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The tidings on this page were sent by Tresi Smyth and
Andrea Swanson from Pines and Birches Classrooms at Prairie Creek Community
School in Northfield, MN.
May God bless all creatures on the earth.
May God give us food for the winter.
May God make the hungry have hope.
May God make Christmas jolly.
M. L., Age 10
May the world spin peacefully.
May we all live peacefully each and every one of us no matter who we
May the weak become strong and the poor become rich.
May all violence turn into peace.
May the world rejoice with happiness.
A. B., Age 10
Snow Blanket
Let the world be filled with snow.
Let the ground shimmer with crystals of white wonder.
Let the trees sleep in harmony under their soft blanket.
Let the Christmas joy surround the world's peace.
Let the world be filled with snow.
J. C., Age 11
May you always be strong
May you always be faithful
May you always be peaceful
May you always have love and care from others
May you always be blessed
May you always be happy
S. R., Age 10
A Blessing . . . .
May you always be courageous
May you always be truthful
May you always be loved
May the chips fall in your favor
May you always get home safely through the snow, and
May you live a long and joyful life.
A. L.-H., Age 10
Christmas Time
Church bells ring swiftly in the wind and Christmas time begins
Let the presents be opened and joy and laughter flow through the air
Christmas trees are up with flickering lights twinkling in people's
J. M., Age 10
Bless the hare, the snowshoe hare.
Bless the ears that reach above to hear the joy of merry carolers.
Bless their feet, which help it escape to unwrap presents on Christmas
Bless its nose, its quivering nose, to help it sniff out that Christmas
Bless the hare.
D. E., Age 11
May the best of cheer be with you and yours through the bleakest
of winters.
May the snowy winds never chill your bones.
May warmth and glow lace your lives forever,
and let the beauty of the winter ice caress your eyes.
C. B., Age 9
To mothers and fathers who brought you to life
Their kindness and strength helped you to grow
They respected you as who you are
They guided you through your life
They taught you to believe in yourself, to believe in what you think
is right
They will always love you
K. E., Age 9
I live in the sky
On stars on the moon
I live on land
In fields in shacks
I live anywhere and everywhere
In your heart.
N. M., Age 8
A Blessing
May we walk in delicate footsteps through a world of peace.
The footsteps we walk in will always be followed by others because we
are leaders.
Our delicate footsteps will surround the world with peace and love and
then joy will come.
C. M., Age 10
Heaven spare the ocean
Angels spare the sea
Mother earth save the creatures
Father sky save me
May God keep the universe.
S. B., Age 9
What Should Fill the World
Let the world be filled with love
Let the world be filled with snow
If it is not , let it be filled with man-made snow
Let the world be filled with Christmas lights
Let the world be filled with joy.
G. E., Age 9
Blessing to Birds
Keep our birds flying high
May they be as free as the air around them
All sparrows, all hawks, all winged ones, fly high to the heavens above.
All Creatures
Bless all the earth's creatures from a small maggot to the giant blue
whale. May we all live in a world of peace and compassion.
D. H., Age 10
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