Electric Arc Radio Show to Broadcast Four Episodes on 89.3 The Current in January 2008
Episodes of popular program to be recorded throughout Fall 2007 in front of live audiences at The Woman's Club Theater, Minneapolis
August 16, 2007
(St. Paul, Minn.)—August 16, 2007—Four original episodes of The Electric Arc Radio Show, a serial radio comedy detailing the lives and times of four destitute young writers who share a home in South Minneapolis, will air on consecutive Sundays at 6 p.m. in January, 2008, on 89.3 The Current.
Taped live at the Woman's Club Theater in downtown Minneapolis, The Electric Arc Radio Show is the radio equivalent of a television sitcom. The four writers of the show, who are also the main characters, have created an entire universe in their 'fictional' neighborhood in Minneapolis, where their shoddy, dilapidated home is said to be located. This universe, narrated by a mysterious man who lives in the attic and creates the soundtrack of their lives includes a magical hot tub, a wading pool in the basement, a closet full of thong underpants, Federal Reserve Chairman-cum-clarinetist Alan Greenspan, who lives in a tree house in the backyard, and a neighborhood full of unusual characters, including infamous punk poet Paul Dickinson.
Fall 2007 marks the first season for the Electric Arc Radio Show at The Woman's Club Theater. Previous seasons were performed at the Ritz Theater in Northeast Minneapolis, where the troupe sold out all of their shows last year. Audiences of the live performance can expect to experience a house band, a narrator (who lives in the attic and plays piano), a theme song, live original scores, special musical guests, a raucous audience, and an occasional surprise guest. Musical guests slated for the fall include Little Man, Haley Bonar, StoryHill, Mary and J.G. Everest, and a surprise guest for their season finale, to be announced.
"The shows are like big parties. I go every time," says Paul Taylor, a longtime fan of the show, "but I always download the podcasts later and listen for things I missed. They're hysterical."
"Finally, someone has succeeded in uniting literature and rock 'n' roll," wrote Graydon Royce in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in January 2007.
89.3 The Current and the Electric Arc Radio Show want to share smart entertainment with the public radio audience. Their partnership will bring some of the area's most important young creative voices to the air for the first time ever. "The Electric Arc Radio Show is both groundbreaking and rooted in the deepest traditions of radio," said The Current's Program Director Steve Nelson. "Plus, it's funny."
TICKETS: Live performances of the Electric Arc Radio Show begin at 8 p.m. at the Woman's Club Theater in Downtown Minneapolis.
Tickets are $15; $12 for Minnesota Public Radio members and may be purchased in advance by going to www.electricarcradio.com.
Live performance schedule:
September 15 featuring Little Man
September 29 featuring Haley Bonar
October 13 featuring StoryHill
October 27 featuring Fran King
November 10 featuring Mary and JG Everest
December 8 featuring special guest to be announced
TUNE IN: Four episodes of The Electric Arc Radio Show will air on The Current at 6 p.m. Sundays in January (January 6, 13, 20, and 27).
The Current is heard on KCMP 89.3 FM in the Twin Cities and KMSE 88.7 FM in Rochester.
On the Web: In January, episodes of The Electric Arc Radio Show will be available as podcasts and Web streams on www.thecurrent.org.
Press Contacts:
Christina Schmitt
Minnesota Public Radio