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State Fair Intro
Ann Reed's "State Fair Song"
Ann Reed's "Minnesota Chapstix"
Ann Reed's "Love at the Fair"
History Theatre's "Meet Me at the Fair"
Ruth Mackenzie's "Blue Skies"
Denise Prosek's "Falling in Love"
Charlie Maguire's "L'Etoile du Nord"
Charlie Maguire's "Great Mississippi"
Peter Ostroushko's "State Fair Food Song"
Peter Ostroushko's "Sacred Heart"
Jack El-Hai's Sheet Music Talk
Sonja Thompson's "Dan Patch Two-Step"
Vern Sutton's "The Great Minnesota State Fair"
Vern Sutton's "Heading Back to Minnesota"
Vern Sutton's "After the Fair"
Our State Fair


The Great Minnesota State Fair

By Teresia Cashin

I know of a place in this great land of ours,
Where people by thousands just flock;
Of it you will hear in towns far and near,
It's the place where you see finest stock.

Only open one week, still it's just where they meet
All the city and country folks' round;
They go there in pairs for it's best all declare
To the Great Minnesota State Fair.

The grounds are just fine and they're on the car line
Of the cities of Minnie and Paul;
But during the week you must rush for a seat,
You're in luck if you get one at all.

So never say, wait at the track or the gate,
If you do you will surely be left;
For the crowds you'll see say at this Fair every day
Are the largest by far east or west.

State Fair, great, all declare.
Best in this wide world of ours;
State Fair, none can compare
Above all others it towers.

State Fair grandest of all
Near the cities of Minnie and Paul,
All day people sway at the ground and gateway
Of the great Minnesota State Fair.

At this fair you'll see Dan, the king of them all,
On the track where he made the fast mile;
He always looks proud when he faces the crowd
And he steps in the grandest of style.

It's the track where his name soared high in the game
While proves that it must be the best;
Go east or go west and you'll find none compare
With the Great Minnesota State Fair.

You'll hear people say, I'll be there every day
At the Great Minnesota State Fair
Remember the date and be sure you're not late
For you'll find none others compare

With the Fair that is known, yes, known far and near
As the best in our own native land;
There you'll head the State Band render music that's grand
At the Great Minnesota State Fair


Then the fleet Minor Heir he will surely be there,
To compare his fast gait with old Dan
So never say no, get ready and go
Then you'll see which is best of the span;

It's a test of great kings, yes kinds of the turf
And well worth what cash you must spare,
So don't stop and pike, get ready and hike
To the Great Minnesota State Fair.

I'm well worth your while for you'll see finest style,
At the Great Minnesota State Fair;
I'm sure you will say if you go there each day,
Oh, no there are none that compare.

With this Fair for it's best, Yes, best of them all
Near the cities of Minnie and Paul;
So grab your spare cash and make one grand dash,
For the Great Minnesota State Fair;


Gondolas you'll see at this Fair every day,
Sailing smoothly oer waters so clear;
You'll think for a while you're on the fair Nile
For the still dipping oars you will hear'

So take your best girl, when the sails they unfurl
And ride like Italians of old
It's only a dime for a trip on this line
Still it's worth ten times that in gold.

Fair Venice of old with her kinds that were bold,
Would think how entrancingly grand;
Cleopatra would say, were she living today
"These boats are the best in the land."

So when it's high tide just make one good stride
For a boat that is niftily manned;
If you do you will hear something sweet in your ear,
(Hark) It's the Great Minnesota State Band.


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